Field of Knowing

We are all connected. ‌I serve a vision infused with a larger purpose and my work shifts naturally from producing results to encouraging the growth of people who produce results. ‌We often walk around in our own little world not knowing how we are being affects all...
Being Heard — Being Loved

Being Heard — Being Loved

  We have one mouth and two ears. Pause a moment before continuing to read and notice: how much time do you spend being heard and how much time do your spend hearing? I was recently struck by a quote by David W. Augsburger who says, “Being heard is so close to...
I Love Garlic!

I Love Garlic!

I love garlic! As a gardener, February and March are my — lets get planting times of the year. Seedlings go into small pots with organic planting soil. Here in the southwest I might start some lettuce, kale, sweet peas, cabbage, kohlrabi, and plant some onions with...
Guidance vs. Control

Guidance vs. Control

My daughter in Chicago who is getting her masters in nursing, joined a CrossFit gym a couple years ago. The gym was an hour from her home (you’ve got to know there were other gyms she could go to that would be closer), she was full-time in school, and working a couple...
Reap The Harvest of Your Conversations

Reap The Harvest of Your Conversations

I have been listening to people for years. Listening. Helping others get clear on what was important to them. For years, I did not put a name to what I did. Not until I got the distinction between coaching and teaching. Teaching is … I have a knowing and I’ll share it...
The Dawson’s busy October

The Dawson’s busy October

Imagine … standing in the midst of tall pine trees outside a 3 story home in the Sandia Mountains just east of Albuquerque. The weather is perfect; a very slight breeze moves the tulle and silk flower arrangements ever so slightly which garnishes the archway that was...
Who Am I in This Scene?

Who Am I in This Scene?

My husband and I went on a camping trip in southern Colorado a couple weeks ago. I took advantage of the amazing beauty of nature and spent some time journaling. As I sat beside the Conejos River, I asked myself the following question: If I were this scene, what...
July! Oh it’s HOT!

July! Oh it’s HOT!

We are anticipating 90º-105º temperatures for the next 5-7 days! Here in New Mexico we have dry heat — meaning our actual temperature is high but because of the low humidity, around 10%,  we can escape to the shade and feel like the temperature is 10-15º cooler....
When It Feels Good…

When It Feels Good…

I asked my wellness coach this week if she could recommend one book, one class, one — something — that could help me improve my experience as a valued coach, what would she recommend? I loved her answer. In her very thoughtful, clear, and quiet voice she said, “Learn...
Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Bread

In my attempt to figure out sourdough bread, I went to YouTube and looked at a few creators to help me in my search. I found this one by Patrick Ryan. This was a simple starter recipe that I’ve made many times. In this recipe, I took notes as he spoke and here...
Immune Support

Immune Support

Mushrooms and Yeast – Immune Support We’ve all heard the news! Wash your hands often, keep your hands off your face, self isolate as much as possible, and this too shall pass. Let’s look at 5 ways to boost your immune system: Do you like mushrooms? Baker’s...
Springtime — Mental Garden

Springtime — Mental Garden

Thanks to my coach, I am learning and experiencing the value of planting feeling GOOD feelings!   Many of us are practicing social distancing. I am choosing to use this time to enJOY doing the things I might not otherwise give myself the time or permission to do. A...
When to Hire a Coach

When to Hire a Coach

For many people, when deciding if hiring a coach is the right option, many questions can emerge. Most of those questions come from our belief system. A good coach can dig deep and shine a light on those beliefs to help you expand what possible in your life. In my...