“Whatever you can do or dream you can,
begin it. Boldness has genius, power,
and magic in it.”
— Goethe

“Whatever you can do or dream you can,
begin it. Boldness has genius, power,
and magic in it.”
— Goethe

Dr. Norm “I love trains.”

About Dr. Norm

  • Retired Chiropractor
  • Functional medicine advisor
  • Body sciences instructor
  • Passionate about education – loves to learn
  • Quality of life is our personal responsibility
  • All health starts in the mind – affects the cells
  • Plays the ukulele
  • Loves trains
  • Progressive hearing loss – deafness

I started out life as a small child — the second of four children. My curiosity often got me in trouble because I was interested in how things worked.

My dad was an Osteopathic Physician and I spent many hours in his office because we lived in a room in the back. My most vivid recollection of that office was the sign that hung on the file cabinet which read: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

I was inspired by my Dad’s ability to observe someone walk into the office and almost immediately be able to diagnose the individual. I saw my dad’s medical practice soar and become one of the most successful in the Albuquerque area.

A progressive hearing loss gave me the opportunity to self-advocate at fifteen years of age. I was struggling to hear in high school so I demanded my dad get me a hearing aid even though those “contraptions” on the earpiece of my glasses became a cause of ridicule and bullying. I overcame the ridicule as a young adult by creating strong friendships and also marrying very young.

After my first son was born and a divorce, my hearing continued to decline to complete deafness. Once again, I took responsibility for personal growth, for my life choices, and researched programs that were available so I could make the most of services available to people with disabilities.

In my late 20s (1977) I returned to school and got my Bachelors of University Studies degree from the University of New Mexico (UNM). I utilized sign language interpreters and note takers in all my classes and extracurricular activities including when I served as a student senator.

It was in college that I exercised my strong belief in doing the right thing and empowering others. I took on UNM because I felt accessibility for people with disabilities was not on the University’s radar. They lacked ramps, automatic doors, and accessibility to many areas of education including extra curricular activities. With the help of the US Department of Justice I made sure that accessibility became the “norm.”

I started my first business with my wife, Barbara. Seeing an opportunity in computers in the early 1980’s we taught large organizations how to use these NEW desktop computers (PCs). We learned a lot about business and grew tremendously.

After several years, I felt I needed more education to pursue my passion of helping others. I decided to become a chiropractic physician. In 1988 we moved to Dallas, TX to attend Parker College of Chiropractic. After graduating with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and a Bachelors in Human Anatomy with an emphasis in nutrition, I opened a practice in Albuquerque, NM.

I loved seeing patients walk in with long-term structural/functional dis-ease and walk out feeling better than they had felt in years.

What was missing in my practice was something internal for my patients. The need for a supplemental nutritional product kept showing up. My continuing education validated my belief that — all disease is steeped in inflammation — from car accidents to aging. Being non-allopathic, I believed that all health starts in the mind and affects the cells.

Finally, through the gift of a friend’s call, I found supplementation that I could trust. A science-based nutrition that worked. I was not quick to say yes when she called, in fact, I questioned the heck out of her! At that time, I believed a vitamin was a vitamin! I wanted proof that the claims that were being made were true which lead me to read an article on heart disease (because my mother had just had a minor stroke). That one, six-page article had 68 medical citations … on multi -vitamins!

Barbara and I decided to try the products ourselves. I noticed that my energy during long days in the office improved. I started to recommend them to my patients and got even better results than with chiropractic adjustments alone. When my patients received stunning results, they came back asking for more. My confidence in the products grew quickly and I realized that if I did not tell my patients about these amazing vitamins I would be doing them a great disservice.

To take care of the volume of products that were going through my office, I decided to become a manufacturer’s rep for this highly rated nutritional sciences product. Today with my on-going training, research and education, Barbara as a teacher and me as a scientist, we evolved into nutritional and functional medicine consultants. Empowering others to live fully their most inspired life!

I closed my practice in 2000 and retired from Chiropractic. I still love educating, coaching, and influencing people I work with to conceive better health, believe they can have it, and help them achieve it with the coaching Barbara and I provide.

On a personal level:

At 71 plus years I stay mentally active and healthy by teaching anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, nutrition and pathology at a local school and enjoy occasional acting in local live theater. I’m also in a ukulele band. I serve as a board member and advocate for people with disabilities and have received two cochlear implants after being deaf for 25 years as an adult. What a joy to be able to use the phone again and hear in almost all situations. I enjoy presenting my talk  “Hearing Loss and Dementia: Use it or Lose It” to various service organizations.