Wellness Evaluation

Are you like many of our clients who come to us who are frustrated because they are taking various vitamins and supplements but they don’t know if they are actually working?

We evaluate what you are taking now and if necessary make suggestions on a higher quality or quantity (sometimes less is better) nutritional support.

People who we work with appreciate the medical model and yet the recommendations from their health care provider are disappointing and often include comments like …

  • You are borderline on these numbers but let’s check on them when you come in again in 6 months.
  • These numbers area bit high but just change your diet some and eat better and we’ll check them again in 6 months.
  • Yeah, you could lose a little weight. Watch your portions.

Our clients are excited by a more proactive approach.

Are you feeling tired and cannot quite lose those recently acquired pounds? Would you like suggestions on specific lab workups that may send up a cautionary flag for conditions like pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome?

We are pleased to offer a complimentary initial telephone consultation in order to determine if our services are compatible with your needs and expectations. Please contact us to arrange a time for us to contact you.


Contact us for a free 30 minute conversation. We will get back in touch with you, usually within 24 hours.