Get Cultured — Fermentation Workshop

by Mar 22, 2020Education/Training, Food Preparation, Immune Support, In the Garden0 comments

Get Cultured – Fermentation Workshops

Our gut health is so important to our overall health and the strength of our immune system. Researchers at Johns Hopkins are “Now in the early stages of figuring out how the composition of the gut microbiome changes in different diseases, how the body’s immune system interacts with these bacteria and particularly how that relationship may function in disease.”

With this in mind I hosted a fermentation workshop on March 7th. We made sauerkraut, kombucha and other fermented vegetables. So much fun! The participants left carrying their live cultured vegetables home and they felt more confident about the power and the healthy benefits of good cultured probiotics.

Here are some pictures from the last fermentation workshop we did on sauerkraut, kombucha and other veggies.

One of our attendees from the last workshop said: “The kombucha is DELICIOUS with just the right fizz!  I have to practice self control to not drink so much. The veggies are deliciously salty w/o overkill.  It all worked, in spite of brown sugar in a pitcher as shown!”

Another attendee said: “It was so great, I’d take the workshop again!”

Do you want to participate in our next workshop? Contact us to get information on our upcoming fermentation workshops.


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