“Don’t Let the Old Man In
Clint Eastwood told Toby Keith
was his secret
to health at
88 years of age.

Many of the people who have given a testimonial mention “USANA” products.  It is one of our preferred nutritional manufacturing companies. When we recommend these products, we make sure our customers get the products at our price – not retail.

It was great to see you this morning. I wanted to thank you for the networking coaching that you did this morning. It was great to see you in action, and I appreciate your experience and expertise that you bring. I continue to be encouraged by your friendship and I appreciate that you challenge me to be better at communication. Thank you again for being a blessing in my life.”

JJ Johnson

Owner, Johnson Brothers Auto Concierge

  “I love the USANA products. I am 90 years old, in good health and I feel good. I am cautious about what I eat.  I love getting them every month.  I don’t have to worry about the auto order, it is easy.” During his radio news broadcasting career ascendancy, Art interviewed such notables as John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Beatles.

Art Schreiber

Author, Out of Sight ... Blind But Doing Alright

I have struggled with hormonal issues since puberty. I did not begin having menstrual cycles until I was 17. When my parents and I questioned my physician, his response was- “Well, you’re just a little abnormal.” Even in my late teens, I understood his answer to be unhelpful and dismissive. It was years of frustration before I was formally diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. My experiences with PCOS include: struggles with weight, hirsutism, acne, infertility, anxiety/depression.

The go-to management of this syndrome read full testimonial is birth control, which will typically allow your body to at least menstruate and helps with mood swings/acne. However, birth control is not a guarantee and ended up being more harmful to me than helpful. Not to mention that birth control will only control the symptoms of PCOS; it does nothing to actually reverse the symptoms.

Barbara connected with me initially because she felt like my personal goals would be a great fit with the USANA family. I initially began taking just the Core Minerals (more out of curiosity than anything else, honestly) and was immediately amazed at a sudden increase in energy within the first week! As I began to open up more about my struggles with PCOS and how much distress it has caused (especially now that I’m wanting the option to start a family) Barbara suggested a specific regime designed to target the very specific issues that plague women with PCOS utilizing USANA products.
Now, three months later, I am sleeping better. Overall, I feel stronger and more emotionally stable. I am ovulating sporadically, although it seems to be stabilizing the longer I use the products. I’ve had one unassisted menstrual cycle (“unassisted” meaning not having to use a progesterone cream to stimulate the cycle) and overall, have a sense of vitality that is a delight to experience! My unwanted facial hair seems to be minimizing over time and is definitely under more control than it has been over the years. I am hopeful that by continuing this regime, I will be able to eventually start my own family, as well as be healthy and energetic enough to thoroughly enjoy my life in every capacity.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.- this individual is an independent USANA distributor who earns commissions for selling USANA products.


Courtney Butler

Author: Gypsy Horses

(VIDEO) Raving fan about Dr. Norm and Barbara. Feels so much better about her asthma. Takes USANA vitamins. Loves Dr. Norm and Barbara. Breaths and moves better. No cure, just feels much better.

Sophia Guido

Office Goddess, Jan-Pro New Mexico

As a registered Dietitian I am greatly pleased with USANA. I NOW have the tools to help my clients maintain health. I am excited about my future with USANA and the difference that it has made in my career.” – New Mexico


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.- this individual is an independent USANA distributor who earns commissions for selling USANA products.

Amanda Hurford, RDN

Registered Diatician, Lifestyle Academy -- a Schoolf for Health

Sure wish there was someone around who could invent me a new spine!!! Every neurologist I see (which by now must be about all of them in town!) is blown away by all my surgeries, but has absolutely no help to offer. The last one said she had never seen neck surgery like mine, although she said M***** is the very best in the area. She was in shock at the pictures!!! And my back is about pain-free. All she could say is: “Don’t get into any accidents, like in a car! Any real trauma could be a disaster!” Yes – I knew that……… Oh well!

But – and you may use this – I absolutely credit USANA for the fact that I feel absolutely great, plenty of energy, no illnesses, and I’m 85!!! And my hair grows faster than my hairdresser can believe… hahahaha!! Get Dr. Wentz to build me a new spine!!!!!!Rolling on the floor laughing

Thanks. guys, for bearing with me!

By the way:  Wendy said she told you of John’s problem.  Stage four prostate cancer – ugh….   He was tested annually, but they apparently didn’t do all they could have.  And he had very little pain until the last minute.  It’s all in his bones.  The oncologists at M D Anderson (fantastic place, by the way!) are impressed with his physical condition. (He’s 88.)  And the radiation oncologist told me one day that John’s internal organs are those of a much younger man! He is absolutely astonished, and, of course, that will help John stay around for a much longer time.  Thank goodness!! And he feels really fine – at least he says so…….
I’m inclined to give his years with USAMA a whole lot of credit for this happy condition!  Don’t know what else it could be.  From a man who hated to take pills, he’s become a guy who waits for his USANA doses each day!  Kind of what Dr. Wentz always thought he could do with his formulae..
Anyway – though you might be interested!
Lorilee McDowell


Gut health is a key ingredient to a healthy lifestyle. USANA has a product line that helps me maintain the good gastrointestinal health needed to live my active and healthylifestyle and it was simple. I trust in USANA to give me and my patients clean products that work.”

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.- this individual is an independent USANA distributor who earns commissions for selling USANA products.

Alissa Albers

Chiropractor, NM Chiropractic Center

(VIDEO) After taking USANA vitamins for 6 months Bob feels a dramatic improvement in his overall health. He feels he is back to normal and blood work shows it. Bob is grateful for working with Dr. Norm to improve his health.

Bob Guido

Owner, Jan-Pro NM

“After only 10 days of using the USANA products, I feel great!  Hooray.”

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Larry Welz

Cartoonist, Illistrator, Muralist, Graphic Designer -- NM

Thanks Norm,

 I am convinced that part of the reason I’m doing well on this SIBO program is due to the fact that I’m NOT as nutritionally deprived a I was last summer. And I thank the USANA supplements for that. I also have not had any significant arthritis issues since taking the one with the turmeric in it – unless I use my hands a lot or something – but overall, the swelling has gone down, and I’m a lot less aware of achy joints now. Norm, your support in the background means a lot to me!

Mary Clark

President: Hearing Loss Association of Albuquerque

The Purple Mulch website content is for informational purposes only and is not meant to replace the guidance of your licensed healthcare practitioner. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information and products are meant for general use only and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or provide medical advice. Any decision to use supplements to support your specific needs should be considered in partnership with your licensed healthcare practitioner. Any questions you may have concerning your use of drugs, medications, or supplements should be directed to your healthcare provider. Purple Mulch  representatives are not qualified to answer any medical questions and will refer you to a medical professional.